You are currently viewing Click Cease Click Fraud Protection
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  • Post last modified:May 30, 2024
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Digital Marketing Concepts Loves Protecting You

We want to make you happy with better conversion rates and optimized, fraud-free campaigns.

Your enemy is our enemy, take action!

When a competitor/bot clicks on your ads it is disastrous for the campaign that we manage. Partnership with ClickCease, we have all the tools to prove to you that you made the right decision to work with us.

We will help you to get

Ultimate insights and solutions

There are many ways to commit click fraud and solving it needs to be customized to the campaign, industry, and client. With ClickCease, we will help discover the best solution to the click fraud that afflicts on your domains.

Identify campaign vulnerabilities

Which IPs, devices, Geos and keywords are generating fraud on your ads, when does this happen and how, all at your fingertips.

Maximise your online revenue!

We make sure your PPC budgets are going towards clean traffic with a higher conversion rate.

How Does ClickCease™ stop competitors and bots from clicking AdWords ads?

Click Cease Click Fraud Protection - monitor

We Monitor Your Ads

ClickCease™ will track each and every click on your search network, display and shopping campaigns. Taking into account IP and IP range, unique device, VPN, your unique settings and more.

We Analyze your Traffic for Fraud

Each click receives a score on dozens of parameters and then our click fraud algorithm goes to work. At the end, each click is given an innocent or fraudulent label.
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Click Cease Click Fraud Protection - block

We Block Clicks from Fraudulent Sources

The fraudulent IPs are automatically inputted into your AdWords IP exclusion list. Now your competitor/bot will not see your ad.

We Quarantine Dangerous IP Addresses and Ranges

AdWords limit the excluded IP/IP range list to 500. ClickCease™ will make sure that the most fraudulent and dangerous IPs will be quarantined.

Click Cease Click Fraud Protection - quarantine
Click Cease Click Fraud Protection - saved

We Save You Extra

The majority of your savings will be by auto-blocking click fraud. In addition, we will help you send a report to google asking for a refund for invalid activity.

Contact Digital Marketing Concepts Today at 239-244-2009 or 305-249-1845 to start protecting your ads from fraud!