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  • Post last modified:January 9, 2023
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Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool used to improve the quality of web pages. It runs against any web page, public, or requiring authentication and has audits for:

Lighthouse Score for

Lighthouse can be run in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or as a Node module. When giving Lighthouse a URL to audit, it runs a series of audits against the page and then generates a report on how well the page did. From there, the failing audits can be used as indicators on how to improve the page. Each audit has a reference doc explaining why the audit is important, as well as how to fix it.

Why Should You Care About Google Lighthouse?

The scoring system and suggestions of improvement that Google Lighthouse generates make the best “barometer” for Digital Marketing Concepts to:


Lighthouse analyzes how quickly a website or app loads and how quickly users can access or view the content.

How to Get High Score:


Lighthouse’s accessibility audits to examine how well a website or app can be used by people with disabilities. Tests on important elements, like buttons or links determine whether they are sufficiently described or whether images have been assigned an alt-attribute so the visual content can also be described by screen readers for visually impaired users.

How to Get High Score:

Best Practices

Lighthouse checks highlight opportunities to improve the overall code health of your web app.

How to Get High Score:

General Best Practices
Page Speed
Page Security
Create a Good UX
Avoid Deprecated Technologies

Progressive Web Apps

Does the website register a service worker? Does it work offline with internet access? Does it return a 200 error? These audits were how Lighthouse began, but are now just one of the five audit categories and only of real importance to Progressive Web App providers.


Lighthouse runs various tests to establish how well a website or app can be crawled by search engines and displayed in the search results. Lighthouse tests that Google describes as “SEO” are extremely limited; anyone with a website or app that does not achieve a maximum score should make the required fixes. Once changes have been made, search engine optimization offers huge potential for additional improvements, which should certainly be explored.

How to Get High Score:

Example Optimize Website

Before Optimize

After Optimize

Web Design Services in Fort Myers, FL

Digital Marketing Concepts of Fort Myers, FL designs beautiful websites that attract traffic and convert. We focus on design and UX in addition to website performance. Check out our portfolio. Call us at (239) 244-2009 or email us for a free consultation.